Coronavirus B2020 : 7 common myths about covid -19


A virus that spread from the city wuhan in chaina thoughtout whole world . It is a new virus so presently only health sector trial to invent the vacine . Also People are scarred from this because their is no any particular treatment . 

7common myths about covid -19

Most population of world is non vegetarian . And take sea food, chicken people have fear or myth about this corona is spread from eating this but no in reality it spread from human contact, not by the food. 

Antibiotics are usefull in covid that's totally wrong . Because covid -19 is a virus not a bacteria. Antibiotics are used in case of bacteria not virus Or virus is more dangrous then bacteria or other. 

Warm water
Everybody use warm water to because they think that it is effective that's also wrong . It only preferred no any clinical proof that it kill virus. 

Wear mask can stop virus 
No any mask stop virus to go inside only N95mask is effective in this. 

Thermal screening can detect covid-19
From thermal screening only body temperature is detected not covid -19. 

Their is no any particular vaccine ie given for covid patients. Symptomatic treatment is offered by doctors. 

Again again sanitization of hand can kill this virus
No any hand sanitizer kill this virus because if this happens then many time ago vaccine is invented for this. 

Such things like
• wash hands. 
• Use handrubs
• Wear mask 
• Warm water

This are only preventive methods only to prevent but main thing ie for keep in mind is social distance. Because nothing is present here that stop this virus . 

So we say only a thing stay home stay safe . 

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