Stress Adaptation

Stress_ Adaptation:-

"Stress is the physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes physically or mentally unrest and is also a factor in disease causation". 

Causes of stress

Stress occurs when individual is not capable to cope up with situation.

  • Sensory input eg. Pain, bright light, noise, environmental issue. 
  • Social issue eg. Relationship conflict, break ups, major events such as birth or death, marriage divorce. 
  • Life experiences eg. Poverty , unemployment , drinking , smoking , exams  projects.

Stages of stress

Dr. Hans seyle give three stages of stress or it also called General adaptation syndrome. 

1. Alarm stage

"Fight or flight"Reaction present in this stage.body physically react to stress by releasing adrenaline or other harmone is called corticotrophin. It increases heat or breathing rate . Other butterflies in stomach, dilatationin eyes dry mouth etc. They occur temporary

2. Resistance or adoption stage

In this body begins try to adapt the stress or demands of the environment. 

3. Exaution stage

At this point , all of the body's resources are eventually depleted and body is unable to maintain normal function. If this stage is extended, long term damage may result bodily function  become impaired or psychological disorder occur. 

Management of stress

Psychological adaptation behavior includes use of coping mechanism, such as problem solving techniques. 
  • Avoid the stressor. 
  • Adapt the stressor.

Healthy ways to cope up with stress

  • Go for a walk. 
  • Talk with good friend. 
  • Read good books. 
  • Listen to music. 
  • Eat healthy diet. 
  • Do meditation. 
  • Do deep breathing exercises. 
..... . .. Thank you......... 


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